It’s hard to pinpoint when this all started, but it was probably sometime around 2018. That was when I first started to JUCE. 

I could tell something was building, and I was ready to wander my own path. 

So, I started wandering. Literally. 

I had spent most of my life on the beaches of Southern California,

and decided to leave everything behind to start a new life.

In February 2022, I left for Australia, and my first breakthrough was in Brisbane.

For years I had been struggling with creating reverberations. I couldn’t get the mixture of delay lines right, then one day it finally clicked: feedback delay network.

The host I was staying with returned from a music festival, placed their hands on my knees, and told me, “You can do your computer stuff anywhere. Let’s go hiking and see the waterfalls in Noosa,” but I had other plans and little time for distractions.

So, the next morning I got on a plane to Cairnes and created my first feedback delay network, and uncoincidentally reverberations.

A few weeks later I returned to the beaches of San Diego and finished my first plugin called Series-A.

It was okaybut not great.

I created an e-commerce store, and let the binaries sit on the shelf and collect dust. 

I’d rather have organic growth than try to push a product I think is only okay.

A few months passed and I had another ticket to the Oceania area, so I went to New Zealand.

As I roamed the western coasts, I got an email from a small, but reputable, company in Auckland, “we are interested in hiring you, but you’ll need to complete a coding test.”

And so, in a small cabin in a holiday park in New Plymouth, I quietly applied exponential moving averages to samples and got the job. It’s really important to be smooth.

I spent the next year living in Kohi Beach writing software, but it was tough living out there. 

I had no car, the apartment I stayed in had unpainted walls, and sometimes there were cockroaches.

The entire year I had nothing except for my cat, a fold-out chair, and a small table for a laptop.

There were a lot of restless and painful nights out there, which was a distant cry from the blissful nights exploring and learning about culture and sound.

As time went on, it became very clear that I had already developed all the skills I needed to move forward on my own, and that was when Gooey was born.

I can proudly say that Gooey’s first product, Apotheca, is not only a culmination of many years of work but something I truly believe in.
